G-Man Pest Control provides comprehensive and effective bedbug control services.
We service Westchester County, Rockland County, Dutchess County, Orange County, Putnam County, Ulster County, Queens, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Bronx, Long Island and Southern Columbia County in New York.
Bedbug Control
Treatment Methods
We offer a variety of treatment methods for bedbugs depending upon circumstances. These include:
Steam Heat

Cryonite®, it was developed in Europe, and it's effective in killing all bed bug stages even eggs! Cryonite® kills bed bugs by rapidly freezing their cells with CO2 (carbon dioxide) snow applied under pressure with patented application tools. It's fast, effective, non-toxic, and works to kill even pesticide-resistant bed bugs found in many high end hotels in NYC and many other sensitive areas in Washington DC.
The CO2 used by the Cryonite® system is non toxic and is recycled from industrial processes. It does not add additional CO2 into the atmosphere. Cryonite® is a truly "green" system. There are no pesticide smells, messy wet residues, or health implications when Cryonite® is used. The CO2 used is food grade quality and presents no risk of contamination, even in sensitive industries.
This crystallization occurs when the pest is cooled to -20ºC to -30ºC. The snow itself is -110º F and the target surface may hit temperatures as low as -20º to -40º F which is cold enough to kill nearly every pest.
Don't get hot under color... But Stay cool! With cryonite by your side! And get rid of the bugs at the same time!

Steam Heat Treatment
We also recommend Dry steam heat as another option for bed bug control. However Heat treatments are not recommended for every house hall. We would need to screen the job for potential challenges and safety in order to guarantee the heat services we provide to you.
Chemical Bedbug Control
Chemical treatments are also availed as another option for bed bug control. This can be the most affordable depending on how many rooms are service and how much chemical is consume in the course of our service. All chemicals use are EPA approved by NYS. We will discuss with you the course of treatment at time of application so that we assure the highest and best safety for our customers.
Mattress Encasements
We also usebedbug-proof mattress encasements as part of our comprehensive bedbug control program. Mattress encasements help reduce the need for insecticides and provide effective control of bedbugs that might be living in mattresses and box springs.

Please call for pricing information.
Please contact us for additional information about bedbug control or any of our quality pest control services.